And then there is this news. On June 8th, one of our air medical helicopters (Med 12) crashed killing all on board. Four people total including the critical patient that they were transporting. It has been one month and it still feels like yesterday. They were our friends and our family. It's so hard to have a phone conversation with someone and then they're gone 2 days later. I can't even begin to explain how it has been for our PHI family.
The memorial service in Bryan / College Station was amazing. It was incredible to see the outpouring of support from our EMS family. People had driven for hours just to be there. So many agencies.....it was surreal. For starters, you never feel that this will ever happen, especially to people who you *know*. They were more than a tragic story on the news for us, they were a special smile, a laugh that you will never forget, a sarcastic comment that will always make you cackle.....the list could go on and on.
Jana, Stephanie, and Wayne will always be in my thoughts *every* time I get in that aircraft to go help someone.
I have taken an excessive amount of time to think about my choices. I know that I am supposed to be here and therefore I will stay.