About Me

My photo
I am a 45 year old living in South Texas with my husband, two daughters and bonus son.....enjoying life and trying to find my way through :) I was born and raised in the UP of Michigan, graduated from MSU, and have been living in Texas for the past 22 years.....so I guess I'm officially a transplant. Or so I've been told.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Why my room needs to be under lockdown!

So, this morning I'm out in the yard doing manual labor like a cabana boy on crack.  Which is extremely unfortunate, since I was actually *off* of work.  Oh and I had absolutely NO coffee this morning.....GAH.  

This emergent grass cutting adventure was truly my own doing, so I really shouldn't complain, but what the hell.  I'm pretty sure I haven't done the yard since right before Hurricane Ike and it was getting about as deep as Sasquatch's crotch (totally double meaning for my nasty friends out there ;) ).

During this time, Miss Priss is holed up in my room.  My bed is fabulous and she covets it on a daily basis.  My response to MP...........wait, besides you don't even have back problems yet!  There is a whole future ahead of you during which time you too can own a fabulous bed.  She fails to see the amusement.

So, she is on my laptop visiting her webkinz site and playing with her pet, Zack.  Yeah good times.  All's well, not to many interruptions during the mowing which is always suspect.

I'm going to preface the next part with some background.  I posted earlier about the air medical crash that killed my coworkers/friends.  It was a very difficult time and I chose not to discuss it with my daughter for several reasons.  I felt that at the time, it wasn't necessary for her to have to carry that around with her.  She already worries when I am at work and the weather is bad and I certainly didn't want to add to that pressure.  I could go on and on, but I digress.

Well, several people had sent me newspaper clippings in regards to my friends and I have kept them in a manilla envelope in one of my nightstands.  There were also several items from the memorials and a bunch of photos.  We also have a memorial patches on our flightsuits, but I am always careful to remove it prior to seeing MP, so it is never an issue.

So, as you can imagine, MP decided to dig through my nightstand to look for "something".  Of course, she took it upon herself to read EVERYTHING in the envelope.  Then came the questions.

I knew that I would have to tell her about this.  However, I was not even close to prepared to discuss it when the accident occurred.  I really wasn't ready for it today either.  I feel like it went ok.  How they all died was something she did not focus on and for that I am thankful.

I could really use an adult beverage......cheers!

Sunday Saying

"Never make someone a priority who makes you an option."

 - a fabulous friend of mine ;)

*great advice btw

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Crickets, crickets, crickets......

the sound of camping or complete ignorance.....either way, bliss right?!  Or maybe it's the sound of me being the only person who actually reads this blog. (sheepish grin)  Whatever the sound, I have actually begun to enjoy this little misadventure blog of mine.

It's actually a fine line you run when you choose to blog.  You filter out bits of your life like a snapshot, but not too much that you give it all away.  Hello, crazy stalker types.....not so much fun.  

I remember that after my Grandma died, we found a box of her journals.  Most of the entries were simple accounts of what we did that day, but I found them to be very comforting.  Maybe it was her beautiful handwriting or how her notes helped jog my memories of time spent with my Grandparents.  I know that in the past I have unsuccessfully kept up with a handwritten version of my life.  I still have the book.  It sits in my nightstand and I seem to "restart" it about every year or so.  I know that I purchased it initially in December of 1995.....it should have been filled many times over.  

Monday, September 22, 2008

Favorite things

So, I'm basically "borrowing" this from the Big O......I don't even watch her show anymore, but have heard that she has and shares her list of favorite, fabulous things.....so, not that anyone asked but here are some of mine.....

*   Havaianas flip flops or slaps....whatever, same thing
*   riding in the Jeep with the top (the Jeep silly) and doors off
*   morning coffee at the campground....it just tastes better
*   Jimmy Buffett concerts....on the lawn of course ;)
*   sounds crazy, but my iPhone....I love it.....the new apps are great
*   sheets and towels dried outside
*   rum runner hibiscus
*   the sound of palm trees in the wind
*   the rumble of side pipes on my car.....reminds me of childhood.....good times  

Yea camping!

Camping was as usual fantastic.  Also as usual, things didn't start off as planned.  I actually got off of work 5 hours late, really not on my list of things to do, but that is about par for the course.  It was my "short week" so hours are always welcome......BUT, we're talking "camping here"!!!!  Need I say more to my camping peeps out there.  ;)

So, I was running late and instead of picking up Miss Priss from school and having the tiki hut and the dog ready to roll, we were doing last minute prep work.  Not a great way to start the relaxing weekend, but oh well.  Whatever, have beer will camp!

I hadn't told Miss Priss that we were going camping since I knew of the nonstop pestering that would occur throughout the week.  I have learned and it is totally not worth it.  So, I had been prepping surreptitiously during the week.  I'm actually getting pretty good at it too......."hey Miss Priss.....look, something shiny!"  It's not right, but it is funny ;).

We went to our usual spot, I swear I feel like Norm on Cheers.  It's pretty sad, my phone number shows up the campground's caller id and they are already pulling up my favorite site availability information.....I am so predictable.

The weather was awesome and I actually didn't have to use the AC for the entire trip.  Kind of nice for a change.  It was great to hear frogs at night instead of the drone of the fan/AC.

Oh and there weren't any wasps this time, so Miss Priss was ecstatic.  She *HATES* wasps and the past few trips this summer have been laden with them for whatever reason.  She has never been stung, but these red wasps in Texas are seriously angry looking!  Honestly, it looks like you could shoot them with a BB gun.  Anyway, she was happy.  

Hope everyone had a decent weekend.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Dodged Ike!

Well, we missed taking it on the chin with Ike.  I personally can't believe it, but the season isn't over yet unfortunately.  Some of my close friends in the Houston area were directly affected by the storm, so that is horrible.  One lives in Galveston and I'm not sure the extent of damage at his house yet....he lives in a cove area, so with any luck, the house may be liveable.

Work has been crazy this past week and I think it is really getting to us all.  We have had countless evacuation related flights and a majority of them have been long distance.  Even longer than we are used to.

So, instead of working on my yard tomorrow like I *should* be doing, I'm going camping.  :)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hurricane season.....

So, as far as I'm concerned, hurricane season can't get over with soon enough!  That is seriously the WORST part about living on the coast.  I guess it's my inner Yankee in me coming out.....I'm all about a hurricane party if the storm is going to be "minor", but Cat 3 and higher......I'm so outta here!!  Me, the kid, the dog and the camper (tiki hut) are going elsewhere....preferably someplace with adult beverages AND electricity!  I know, pretty demanding huh?!  lol  I'm not actually high maintenance, but it sure is fun to pretend.  ;)

I've actually been pretty overwhelmed lately with projects and work stuff.  I need to clone myself.  Scary prospect for y'all!  

MP (kidlette) just started third grade and had choir tryouts.  I can't believe she is already at this stage in her life.  She is a pretty independent little thing.  I can't imagine where she gets that from.  I am dreading the teenage years.....I'm sure she will try to "school me".  She better bring her "A Game"!

On a more somber note......the three crewmembers who perished in June will be receiving the Star of Texas awards on September 11th in Austin.  I'll be in attendance as will a lot of PHI employees, they deserve the honor.  It has still been difficult on some days, but most are getting by.  

Well, I'm off for now......I'm trying to get back into the swing of things here on my blog, but I haven't felt very inspired lately.  Think I'll go for a Jeep ride and look at some waves!  Cheers!