Well, I say this every year, but this year I'm actually trying to believe this. "NEXT YEAR WILL BE BETTER!" I have no idea why I *actually* buy into that mantra this year, but I am going to will it to be so.
This will be the year in regards to my FH....much more to follow on that. It is such a long story and waaaaay to involved for this forum. All I have to say is next Christmas = Vail. ;)
A huge big awesome fabulous item about next year.....I will be debt free as of August 5th!! Oh happy happy day! I have been busting my a$$ to make that happen and it is finally almost here. I personally can't even believe it, but it's almost time to travel. I want to take MP to places, go to more concerts, visit family more, take trips with FH, continue the Vette project.....so much to experience!
Oh and my 20th Class reunion will be going on during the Fourth of July weekend. Amazingly enough, I commited to attending. Hmmm.....still not too sure how I feel about that. Guess we'll see about that as it gets closer. If nothing else, I'll be able to be in the UP of MI during a great time of year. I haven't been swimming in Lake Michigan in years, so there's always that. I think I'm going to get a bottle of Strawberry Hill and hang out at Aronson Island just for 'ol times sake.....I mean it is a class reunion. I think I should stay true to my roots. Yeah and did I mention, I still don't have a date....humph...
My kid might be spending a month with my Mom up in Michigan for part of her summer vacation. REALLY don't know how I feel about that, even if it was my idea. I always had a really close relationship with my grandparents and I feel that living so far away from family sometimes impedes that with my kiddo. She is really close with my Mom and speaks with her often, but I still don't think it's the same. So, I think that the visit may be a pretty cool gift for my Mom and kiddo. I won't know what to do with myself....the house will be quiet. I hope FH has his crap together by then (fingers crossed).
Oh and I just did a quickie (stop being nasty) project in the guest bathroom. Almost done with it and I'm planning on multiple other facelift projects throughout the house. It may be the year to put it on the market. I would seriously love to move to Rockport if everything works out.
Some people say that saying things will jinx you.....I actually feel the opposite. "Say it til it's true". I have made "a list", I guess some would call it a "bucket list". It's one of those the sky is the limit type lists. Even wild and crazy things are on it. I try not to look too often, but as I check back with it, I have found that I'm actually accomplishing some of the items. My plan is to cross them all off the list.
About Me
- PJ
- I am a 45 year old living in South Texas with my husband, two daughters and bonus son.....enjoying life and trying to find my way through :) I was born and raised in the UP of Michigan, graduated from MSU, and have been living in Texas for the past 22 years.....so I guess I'm officially a transplant. Or so I've been told.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Oh and MP just called from school and said that she feels like she "could puke". Good times, good times. I think I should just pick out a bottle of wine and throw out the cork.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Long time, no blog...
My kiddo turned 9 over the summer and my Mom came for her annual visit in May. We had a pretty good time! Went to Sea World for the inaugural visit. Also picked up two old surfboards, so I'm giving that the old college try.
I've also fixed the pesky Vette brake problems, so that's a huge bonus! The seals were bad in one of the new calipers, go figure. It also has a new radiator and I'm still dealing with a minor overtemp problem. Not a huge thing though....I'm just happy to be able to drive it again. So, there is a certain someone I need to thank for that.....thanks emotional turmoil. ;) You know who you are.
Well, school is back on and Miss Priss is in the Fourth Grade now. I seriously can't believe it. You wait for them to walk and talk and before you know it.....they are doing story problems after school. It's official, I must be getting o-l-d. I won't give in!!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Oh and good news :)
Back in the day, I was "adopted" by an older golden retriever whom I named Zack. He was a wonderful old soul who was dropped off by his owner. He was heartworm positive and he successfully made it through treatment. He was a great addition to my life and went through good and bad with me. Long story short, he was very loved. He died when I was five months pregnant coincidently 3 days before Christmas. It was quite the emotional time for me. He was a great guy....prior to him getting ill and passing, I adopted a chocolate lab (Nick). He was basically still a pup when Zack died so he was a helpful bridge even though it didn't alleviate the sadness in the house.
Fast forward to January 25th 2009. I was driving down the street to my house and spotted a couple hunched over a dog lying in the grass. My kiddo and I stopped to see what was going on. So here was this male golden retriever with three bloody paws....he was soaking wet. He was still a precious looking guy. He had no collar and no obvious markings, so I had no idea where he actually belonged. The couple expressed that they were unable to take the dog to their house, so we ended up walking him down the street to our yard.
We doctored his paws, gave him a bath and some food. He was a polite little (ha) guy. I was pretty smitten, but hesitant to get attached because he *had* to belong to someone. He was just too well bred and behaved not to belong somewhere. So, I gave myself a date. If I hadn't received any calls or inquiries within 6 days, we would consider him ours. I hated to call him by a name I would have liked, so he simply was Stray Dog. Catchy huh?! Yeah, not so much.
By day 2, I had already bought him a collar and a new leash.....well, he would need one even if his "parents" showed up to claim him...........right?? Oh, and he needed toys.......this guy is definitely more active than my now geriatric Nick. Oh and he needs some special food too.....you get the picture.
Day 6 shows up and nothing. Not even a peep. So, he is now Brody and he is fabulous ;)
So, where do I even start?!
So we went to Michigan for the holidays in the MB. Sounds like a great plan right? I thought so too, but alas I am still dealing with damages to my car secondary to a hole to China which I struck in the sunny state of Illinois. Mind you, this was on Interstate (INTERSTATE) 57. It was the entire width of the car and I had no way to avoid it....unless I wanted to strike an 18 wheeler. So, the car "bottomed" out and it was just nasty. Very LONG story short, I ended up filing a claim with my fabulous insurance company. OMG.....my car is still in the shop and damages are now upwards and around $3000. There is also the possibility of even more damage if they cannot get the car to align....we will not know the status until probably Monday. It is not a good thing.
What has been most annoying about this whole misadventure has been dealing with my insurance company, almost on a daily basis. My local office is wonderful, however the problem is dealing with everyone above them. It is seriously like pulling teeth. It is so ironic that I have NEVER filed a claim EVER and this company has my home and two of my vehicles on policy. My bill to them is always paid on time, yet they want to argue with me about a $25 / day rental car.....well I pay for that rider on my policy so what is the problem? I am not a criminal, it would be great if I wouldn't be treated like one. Sorry I'm venting.
So, I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that my "baby" will come out of this experience and drive exactly like it did prior to the incident. As you all (all one of you) know, I am a serious car freak and I very much baby my stuff, so I'm pretty stressed about this. Cheers!
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