About Me

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I am a 45 year old living in South Texas with my husband, two daughters and bonus son.....enjoying life and trying to find my way through :) I was born and raised in the UP of Michigan, graduated from MSU, and have been living in Texas for the past 22 years.....so I guess I'm officially a transplant. Or so I've been told.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Water shmater.....who needs it?!

This morning I got Miss Priss off to school in our usual fashion (see yesterday's post) and then came home to start a fabulous day off.  I'm getting ready to hop in the shower and guess what?! Nothing, nada, zip......seemed pretty crazy to me since we just used it not even 30 minutes prior!  So, of course I have to run from bathroom to bathroom to kitchen to mudroom....you get the nuthut crazy picture that I'm painting here?!  AND lo and behold, no water............anywhere.

So, the world is my oyster thought process quickly has dwindled to the world is my shit sandwich and I am taking a big bite.  Mind you, the city was prompt about it (sarcasm) and finally showed up with a crew around 1300.  

Our water meter is actually located in the neighbor's yard inside their privacy fence.  So, the workers were really happy to hear about that....not so much.  Next thing I know, I have neighbors coming over to see if I have inadvertantly left a hose on or something.  Apparently they were considering building an ark.  

I have lived in this house for 10 years and have NEVER seen this much standing water in this neighborhood ever.  Not even through hurricanes, but I digress.  So, the workers place this sump in and run the discharge hose along my driveway and into the street (in theory).  Now my yard is beginning to look like Schlitterbahn (you Texas peeps know what I'm getting at).  I think I actually had the beginning of a wave pool....try not to be jealous!  Oh and there is fabulous sediment flowing from this hose also.....more good times.  

Cliff's notes version.....I finally have water (2200) and can take a shower soon!  Yea!  Bad news.....they left all of that nasty sediment (ie mud) at the end of my driveway.....I'm not kidding it's pretty bad.  It's Jeep mud bad  :(  So, I guess I know what I'll be doing on my next set of days off.  I need to get a cabana boy to handle that crap......  :)

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