It's actually a fine line you run when you choose to blog. You filter out bits of your life like a snapshot, but not too much that you give it all away. Hello, crazy stalker types.....not so much fun.
I remember that after my Grandma died, we found a box of her journals. Most of the entries were simple accounts of what we did that day, but I found them to be very comforting. Maybe it was her beautiful handwriting or how her notes helped jog my memories of time spent with my Grandparents. I know that in the past I have unsuccessfully kept up with a handwritten version of my life. I still have the book. It sits in my nightstand and I seem to "restart" it about every year or so. I know that I purchased it initially in December of should have been filled many times over.
Ah, the joys of blogging - post what you want, whether fictional or true and read back over the years.
Crickets - I love them - but the weather has turned damp and the cheeky chirping has stopped :(
Bet there are a few like me how visit and read this kind blog from time to time. Reading random thoughts always fun for me.
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