About Me

My photo
I am a 45 year old living in South Texas with my husband, two daughters and bonus son.....enjoying life and trying to find my way through :) I was born and raised in the UP of Michigan, graduated from MSU, and have been living in Texas for the past 22 years.....so I guess I'm officially a transplant. Or so I've been told.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

So, the holidays......

I used to LOVE them, now not so much.  I'm not sure when this transition occurred, but I have a theory.  I blame EMS.........clearly.  Here's the thought process.....you have "shifts" when you work EMS.  Almost always, they are 24 hour shifts.  My first three years in EMS, I worked every "major" holiday.  Let me explain how this fabulous turn of events occurred.  The first year was just sheer luck.  The next year was a leap year, so my shift was bent over again.  THEN, the glorious third year, I had a shift change and guess what??  WE had all the holidays again!  SO, I started to detach myself from the whole holiday process.  Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed our times together and they are like family to me, albeit a dysfunctional one....  ;)  BUT, it was a different transition for me.  Also contributing was the fact that my "actual" family lives approximately 1600 miles away (where there are actual seasons....pout), but I digress.

How's that for a run-on?????  :)

So to make up for the holiday blahs, this year (I was off) we celebrated for TWO days.  That's right two solid days of overindulgence at my friend's house.  I felt fortunate that I was able to wiggle into my flightsuit this morning.  Problem is, I'm still eating like it's Thanksgiving.....very unfortunate indeed.  

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The big D

So, it's that time of year again......cadaver lab. I find it especially odd that it's actually going to be held on Halloween. Someone clearly has a sense of humor.

Yeah so good times!

It's kind of odd though. I got here early (it's scheduled for tomorrow AM) and I can actually take a NAP! I'm almost afraid to say it because I'm sure it will disappear! It's like saying candyman three times......except the reverse. Naps are not a common thing for a single mom dontchaknow. I should really revel in this moment.....maybe grab a fabulous beverage and sit by the pool. I mean in theory, the possibilities are endless!

In reality, I will probably check emails, talk on the phone, watch last week's Grey's Anatomy online......very exciting stuff people. Try not to be jealous......seriously.

Monday, October 6, 2008

You do realize your air conditioning doesn't work.....

So, here's the deal, I am a car whore.  That's right, I'll admit it.  I have three cars and I am the only person who drives in my household.  Miss Priss doesn't count.....even though she thinks she is twenty, she clearly is not.  Clearly.

Anywho......my Mom was visiting this summer when the AC in my daily driver decided to give up the fight.  So, that's perfect timing since this occurred near the end of May.....in SOUTH TEXAS.  So, I was pretty pleased with the timing of it all.  Well, my friend and I did some troubleshooting and discovered that it was the AC compressor.  GAH!  Seriously, just shoot me now.  I had just spend a TON of $$ on my third car which is a restoration project.  

So, I opted to give the lil beauty a great wash and wax, put the lil cover on her and plant her in the garage until I pimped enough coin to fix her properly.  Here I am in the middle of summer sweating my crack off.  So, I had to put the hardtop and the doors back on the Jeep and pretend like it was a "real car" with responsibilities and a mortgage of its own.  Good times.  The Jeep had been a daily driver for years, but I had since been spoiled by the other (now broken) car.  But I digress.......

I have since decided that the use and abuse of the Jeep needs to stop and it is actually getting a bit cooler down here, especially in the mornings, so the broken one needs to come out of hibernation.  My thoughts were like this.....I work 24 hour shifts and I drive to work when it is cool, therefore I drive home when it's cool.....makes perfect sense!

Unfortunately the broken beast also was in need of a "service A".  It sounds a bit daunting to me, but anywho here I am at the dealership doing the "right thing" this morning and having that attended to.  Funny thing is.....I decided not to tell my service advisor about the whole broken AC thing because I haven't been successful at selling my kidney in eBay yet.  Imagine this one......it only took him THREE minutes to come back to me in the marble lounge to tell me that my AC doesn't work.  Hmmmmm, no kidding, I can't believe that.......well I fessed up and told him that I was going to cheat on him AND his service department and have the AC fixed elsewhere at a much later time.  He completely agreed and I feel vindicated.  :)

Either way, I *love* this place.....it's like a fabulous martini bar and they are really nice people here.  I'm now trying to find a way to tuck this loveseat into my computer bag.  I wonder if they will notice.  Surely not.  "Look super cute service guy, something shiny!"   PJ ducks out the door, escaping with the computer bag, the loveseat and my broken car.  Perfect plan.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sunday Saying

"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."

 - Marcel Proust

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Why my room needs to be under lockdown!

So, this morning I'm out in the yard doing manual labor like a cabana boy on crack.  Which is extremely unfortunate, since I was actually *off* of work.  Oh and I had absolutely NO coffee this morning.....GAH.  

This emergent grass cutting adventure was truly my own doing, so I really shouldn't complain, but what the hell.  I'm pretty sure I haven't done the yard since right before Hurricane Ike and it was getting about as deep as Sasquatch's crotch (totally double meaning for my nasty friends out there ;) ).

During this time, Miss Priss is holed up in my room.  My bed is fabulous and she covets it on a daily basis.  My response to MP...........wait, besides you don't even have back problems yet!  There is a whole future ahead of you during which time you too can own a fabulous bed.  She fails to see the amusement.

So, she is on my laptop visiting her webkinz site and playing with her pet, Zack.  Yeah good times.  All's well, not to many interruptions during the mowing which is always suspect.

I'm going to preface the next part with some background.  I posted earlier about the air medical crash that killed my coworkers/friends.  It was a very difficult time and I chose not to discuss it with my daughter for several reasons.  I felt that at the time, it wasn't necessary for her to have to carry that around with her.  She already worries when I am at work and the weather is bad and I certainly didn't want to add to that pressure.  I could go on and on, but I digress.

Well, several people had sent me newspaper clippings in regards to my friends and I have kept them in a manilla envelope in one of my nightstands.  There were also several items from the memorials and a bunch of photos.  We also have a memorial patches on our flightsuits, but I am always careful to remove it prior to seeing MP, so it is never an issue.

So, as you can imagine, MP decided to dig through my nightstand to look for "something".  Of course, she took it upon herself to read EVERYTHING in the envelope.  Then came the questions.

I knew that I would have to tell her about this.  However, I was not even close to prepared to discuss it when the accident occurred.  I really wasn't ready for it today either.  I feel like it went ok.  How they all died was something she did not focus on and for that I am thankful.

I could really use an adult beverage......cheers!

Sunday Saying

"Never make someone a priority who makes you an option."

 - a fabulous friend of mine ;)

*great advice btw

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Crickets, crickets, crickets......

the sound of camping or complete ignorance.....either way, bliss right?!  Or maybe it's the sound of me being the only person who actually reads this blog. (sheepish grin)  Whatever the sound, I have actually begun to enjoy this little misadventure blog of mine.

It's actually a fine line you run when you choose to blog.  You filter out bits of your life like a snapshot, but not too much that you give it all away.  Hello, crazy stalker types.....not so much fun.  

I remember that after my Grandma died, we found a box of her journals.  Most of the entries were simple accounts of what we did that day, but I found them to be very comforting.  Maybe it was her beautiful handwriting or how her notes helped jog my memories of time spent with my Grandparents.  I know that in the past I have unsuccessfully kept up with a handwritten version of my life.  I still have the book.  It sits in my nightstand and I seem to "restart" it about every year or so.  I know that I purchased it initially in December of 1995.....it should have been filled many times over.  

Monday, September 22, 2008

Favorite things

So, I'm basically "borrowing" this from the Big O......I don't even watch her show anymore, but have heard that she has and shares her list of favorite, fabulous things.....so, not that anyone asked but here are some of mine.....

*   Havaianas flip flops or slaps....whatever, same thing
*   riding in the Jeep with the top (the Jeep silly) and doors off
*   morning coffee at the campground....it just tastes better
*   Jimmy Buffett concerts....on the lawn of course ;)
*   sounds crazy, but my iPhone....I love it.....the new apps are great
*   sheets and towels dried outside
*   rum runner hibiscus
*   the sound of palm trees in the wind
*   the rumble of side pipes on my car.....reminds me of childhood.....good times  

Yea camping!

Camping was as usual fantastic.  Also as usual, things didn't start off as planned.  I actually got off of work 5 hours late, really not on my list of things to do, but that is about par for the course.  It was my "short week" so hours are always welcome......BUT, we're talking "camping here"!!!!  Need I say more to my camping peeps out there.  ;)

So, I was running late and instead of picking up Miss Priss from school and having the tiki hut and the dog ready to roll, we were doing last minute prep work.  Not a great way to start the relaxing weekend, but oh well.  Whatever, have beer will camp!

I hadn't told Miss Priss that we were going camping since I knew of the nonstop pestering that would occur throughout the week.  I have learned and it is totally not worth it.  So, I had been prepping surreptitiously during the week.  I'm actually getting pretty good at it too......."hey Miss Priss.....look, something shiny!"  It's not right, but it is funny ;).

We went to our usual spot, I swear I feel like Norm on Cheers.  It's pretty sad, my phone number shows up the campground's caller id and they are already pulling up my favorite site availability information.....I am so predictable.

The weather was awesome and I actually didn't have to use the AC for the entire trip.  Kind of nice for a change.  It was great to hear frogs at night instead of the drone of the fan/AC.

Oh and there weren't any wasps this time, so Miss Priss was ecstatic.  She *HATES* wasps and the past few trips this summer have been laden with them for whatever reason.  She has never been stung, but these red wasps in Texas are seriously angry looking!  Honestly, it looks like you could shoot them with a BB gun.  Anyway, she was happy.  

Hope everyone had a decent weekend.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Dodged Ike!

Well, we missed taking it on the chin with Ike.  I personally can't believe it, but the season isn't over yet unfortunately.  Some of my close friends in the Houston area were directly affected by the storm, so that is horrible.  One lives in Galveston and I'm not sure the extent of damage at his house yet....he lives in a cove area, so with any luck, the house may be liveable.

Work has been crazy this past week and I think it is really getting to us all.  We have had countless evacuation related flights and a majority of them have been long distance.  Even longer than we are used to.

So, instead of working on my yard tomorrow like I *should* be doing, I'm going camping.  :)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hurricane season.....

So, as far as I'm concerned, hurricane season can't get over with soon enough!  That is seriously the WORST part about living on the coast.  I guess it's my inner Yankee in me coming out.....I'm all about a hurricane party if the storm is going to be "minor", but Cat 3 and higher......I'm so outta here!!  Me, the kid, the dog and the camper (tiki hut) are going elsewhere....preferably someplace with adult beverages AND electricity!  I know, pretty demanding huh?!  lol  I'm not actually high maintenance, but it sure is fun to pretend.  ;)

I've actually been pretty overwhelmed lately with projects and work stuff.  I need to clone myself.  Scary prospect for y'all!  

MP (kidlette) just started third grade and had choir tryouts.  I can't believe she is already at this stage in her life.  She is a pretty independent little thing.  I can't imagine where she gets that from.  I am dreading the teenage years.....I'm sure she will try to "school me".  She better bring her "A Game"!

On a more somber note......the three crewmembers who perished in June will be receiving the Star of Texas awards on September 11th in Austin.  I'll be in attendance as will a lot of PHI employees, they deserve the honor.  It has still been difficult on some days, but most are getting by.  

Well, I'm off for now......I'm trying to get back into the swing of things here on my blog, but I haven't felt very inspired lately.  Think I'll go for a Jeep ride and look at some waves!  Cheers!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday Saying

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes."

 - Proust

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Well, I'm finally back

                                                                 I have no idea where to even start.   I guess the Cliff's Notes version is probably the most appropriate.  Well, my baby girl has turned 8 since my last post.  My Mom from Michigan has visited and we all had a great time.  Did some pretty cool little day trips and the kidlette got spoiled.  One of my best friends also had a birthday (xo).  

And then there is this news.  On June 8th, one of our air medical helicopters (Med 12) crashed killing all on board.  Four people total including the critical patient that they were transporting.  It has been one month and it still feels like yesterday.  They were our friends and our family.  It's so hard to have a phone conversation with someone and then they're gone 2 days later.  I can't even begin to explain how it has been for our PHI family.  

The memorial service in Bryan / College Station was amazing.  It was incredible to see the outpouring of support from our EMS family.  People had driven for hours just to be there.  So many agencies.....it was surreal.  For starters, you never feel that this will ever happen, especially to people who you *know*.  They were more than a tragic story on the news for us, they were a special smile, a laugh that you will never forget, a sarcastic comment that will always make you cackle.....the list could go on and on.

Jana, Stephanie, and Wayne will always be in my thoughts *every* time I get in that aircraft to go help someone.  

I have taken an excessive amount of time to think about my choices.  I know that I am supposed to be here and therefore I will stay.  

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sunday Saying

"We are going to relentlessly chase perfection, knowing full well we will not catch it, because nothing is perfect.  But we are going to relentlessly chase it, because in the process we will catch excellence.  I am not remotely interested in just being good."

  -  Vince Lombardi  (Green Bay Packers legendary coach)

Friday, April 11, 2008

I need a vacay.....

OK, so this week has been flying.  And I do mean that literally!  I would love to say that *yeah the weekend is here*, however that is sooooo not the case for this biatch.  I'm working until Monday morning......good times.  I just keep telling myself that all of this overtime will buy lots o' car parts for my project.  ;)

So to everyone else who is reveling in their weekend plans..............cheers!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Sunday Saying

Well, I guess this is actually "Monday Morning Saying"....sorry.  

"If he's here, who's running Hell?!"

   -  VanWilder movie (*love* Ryan Reynolds)   ;)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Water shmater.....who needs it?!

This morning I got Miss Priss off to school in our usual fashion (see yesterday's post) and then came home to start a fabulous day off.  I'm getting ready to hop in the shower and guess what?! Nothing, nada, zip......seemed pretty crazy to me since we just used it not even 30 minutes prior!  So, of course I have to run from bathroom to bathroom to kitchen to mudroom....you get the nuthut crazy picture that I'm painting here?!  AND lo and behold, no water............anywhere.

So, the world is my oyster thought process quickly has dwindled to the world is my shit sandwich and I am taking a big bite.  Mind you, the city was prompt about it (sarcasm) and finally showed up with a crew around 1300.  

Our water meter is actually located in the neighbor's yard inside their privacy fence.  So, the workers were really happy to hear about that....not so much.  Next thing I know, I have neighbors coming over to see if I have inadvertantly left a hose on or something.  Apparently they were considering building an ark.  

I have lived in this house for 10 years and have NEVER seen this much standing water in this neighborhood ever.  Not even through hurricanes, but I digress.  So, the workers place this sump in and run the discharge hose along my driveway and into the street (in theory).  Now my yard is beginning to look like Schlitterbahn (you Texas peeps know what I'm getting at).  I think I actually had the beginning of a wave pool....try not to be jealous!  Oh and there is fabulous sediment flowing from this hose also.....more good times.  

Cliff's notes version.....I finally have water (2200) and can take a shower soon!  Yea!  Bad news.....they left all of that nasty sediment (ie mud) at the end of my driveway.....I'm not kidding it's pretty bad.  It's Jeep mud bad  :(  So, I guess I know what I'll be doing on my next set of days off.  I need to get a cabana boy to handle that crap......  :)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


My friend is doing well.....still out of it a bit....gotta love Versed.  It is the nectar of the gods that's all I have to say about that!  So hugs to her and a bit of advice.....better living through pharmaceuticals  ;)


Well, here's another sleep deprived post for ya!  

So, my friend was having a procedure done this morning with the surgery department at the hospital which is literally in my driveway.  Of course, said procedure was scheduled for 0630 this morning, so we took this opportunity to have a slumber party (she lives about 30 minutes away).  Oh yea, did I also mention that we didn't stop talking trash and looking up pics of Brad Pitt, Ryan Reynolds, Robert Redford (you get the idea) until 0230 this morning?!  :0  Right.................so, apparently we have resorted back to being 12.

Now, onto our fabulous morning......she shleps over there promptly at 0620.  Guess what, there is knocking at my door approximately 10 minutes later.  Well, anesthesia decided to reschedule her until 0900 and since that executive decision occurred at about 0300 this morning, they opted to not call.  So, good times.

Oh and Miss Priss didn't go to sleep last night until 2330, so she was in rare form this morning.  I just went with the "avert the eyes" method of coping.  As long as we don't make eye contact or have lengthy verbal discussion, arguments can be avoided.  Having two non-morning people in the same house *can* lead to bloodshed.  

So, here's on getting MP ready for school went:

MP:  Uuuuuuuuuughhhhhhhhhhhh (blankets over head)
Me:  Come on lil MP, who's my favorite chicken nugget.....come on lil pumpkin
MP:  I don't wanna wear those clothes! (whining)
Me:  Yeah well it's better than going naked which is what will be happening unless you get your crack out of bed....
MP:  You don't even like me (whining)
Me:  Yes I do, they told me I had to when we left the hospital together......it's in the mother-daughter contract
MP:  I hate these underwear!!!!!!! (whining with some yelling)

(now successfully dressed and trying to brush hair....also known as the 5th dimension of Hell)

MP:  Put the spray in!  You're killing me!
Me:  No, we've already passed that critical stage.....I think you may actually live this morning....let's be optimistic.
MP:  FINE!  But I'm not wearing that headband.  I want the one that's in the camper.

(sidenote:  camper is a pop-up.....it is not currently "popped up".....oh and we're running late......at this point it would have been quicker to dig to China and make a fabulous purple headband myself)

Me:  Well, that's not happening, so sawwwwrrry.
MP:  (dirty chicken eye look)

By the way, she did make it to school unscathed and we parted with very cute "love you's"....so all is well.  It's funny that as I read back over that, it is almost exactly the same every school day......hmm  interesting how that works.  ;)

So, now my friend is back at the hospital and good to go and I'm now watching my goddaughter (K).  Very chilled whenever she is at my house, so bonus for me.  Because "dontchaknow" it's trash day.  So, I whip back the privacy gate that crosses my driveway just in time to see 2 people ripping small branches (with flowers) off of my hibiscus plants.  WTF?!  I think I may have actually said that in retrospect, but whatever.  Do I look like frickin' FTD?!  So they move on from my yard (with flowers in hand) and one of them ducks into my neighbor's yard and plucks a couple of roses off of one of his bushes.  At this point, I walk up to the "fine young gentleman" and say, "ya know, they sell these at HEB for like $4!  I mean seriously?!"  So, I don't know who the recipient was of this ghetto bouquet, but it almost cost him his life!  :)

Messing with my hibiscus can also contribute to bloodshed.  Gotta love job security!  :)

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sunday Saying

"Be good at something, it makes you valuable."

- Randy Pausch

Closer to 4-0

So, my tongue is no longer stuck to the roof of my mouth, so yea me!  My birthday was yesterday and dear sweet baby Jesus, this year didn't disappoint either.  I am destined to have f'ed birthdays apparently.  This was not the case until I reached adulthood, so what's with that?!

We went out on Friday for sushi and "adult beverages".  Let me preface this with this.....we do this EVERY YEAR with *almost* the same results.  My friend and I have birthdays one week apart and our bodies can't handle two celebrations that close together, so hence the one night of complete sloth and extravagance!

So, we met up with some friends at the usual sushi place and drank TWO bottles of wine between the two of us.....good times.  It is never a good sign when the amount of money spent on wine exceeds the amount spent on crunch rolls.  That should have been a pretty good indicator.  Oh and this guy that I have been talking to was in town, so he actually came along for the ride.  "Bless his lil heart", he has no idea.  

This then got excessively crazy!  I don't even think I drank anything at the next bar except this rancid tequila shot that my "friend" got for me.  I guess she hates me because it was THE most foul glass of turpentine EVER!  So, things were rapidly downhill after that point.  Then it got really screwed up.  

My friend came back to the table and sat down........completely out of it.....I mean OUT.  Not good.  EMS was called and dontchaknow it's bad to see medics coming to assist *your* friend.  So, she was transported to the ED.  Crazy night...............oh yeah and did I mention I was pretty drunk.  Good times.....not.  We stayed in the ED until 0500......and the "new guy" stayed with us.  So, big points for him.  ;) 

I truly think that she was given GHB in her drink which I find really scary.  I have spent enough birthday celebrations with her to know how she handles her alcohol and this was completely different.  She wouldn't even rouse to ammonia inhalants.  I did notice her talking to a guy by the bar, but I really didn't think anything of it.  So, take home message, please look out for one another.  I am sooooo glad birthdays only show up once per year or else I might need a new liver.

So, this year was another stark reminder of why I am a homebody when it comes to celebrations.  I think next year, I am going camping.  

Sunday, March 23, 2008

"Two Fer" Sunday

I just had to post this link for the two people (and I'm being generous) who I think "may" read my fledgling blog.  I am a part of a medical flight crew (rotorwing) and have been for the past few years.  I was a ground Medic prior and continue that side of my career as well.  I'm not sure if you guys ever watch TLC, but tonight they are having an episode of "My Secret Life As A Soccer Mom" on at 1900 central time.  It is focusing on our sister flight program in Arizona (Air Evac) so I am pumped.  My family never gets to see anything that I do.....as I live approximately 1600 miles from them.  So, I'm pretty excited.  Funny thing is that I don't even have cable / satellite at my house so I'm basically SOL.  I ditched TV approximately 4 years ago, but I digress.  Guess I will be making a trip to work to watch it with the on duty crew!  Pitiful....

Well anyway, here are a couple of pics of our bird.  The "funky" green pic is actually what we see through our night vision goggles.  They really increase our level of safety especially during scene flights at night.  The landing zones can hold several devastating obstacles and the nvg's allow us to see practically everything.

Please have a safe holiday and keep the people you love from doing any "stupid human tricks".  Happy Easter to all.

Sunday Saying

"Watch your thoughts, for they become words.  Watch your words, for they become actions.  Watch your actions, for they become habits.  Watch your habits, for they become character.  Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny."  

 - unknown regarding karma

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Bless your lil heart

You guys don't even *want* to know what type of week it has been!  So, I'm just going to chant it away and hope that next week is better.....take that back, I hope it is better starting today.  I am on duty today and the fog should be lifting soon so we will be flyable again.  So, fingers crossed that the natives aren't too restless today.  

So, I'm just going to share a little observation that I find humorous.  I guess this would be a Southern thing because I don't recall ever hearing this up North.  Have you ever noticed this....."bless his/her lil heart" can be said and ANYTHING that was uttered prior is simply null and void.  For example:  "Ooooooohhhhh that is the WORST dress I have ever seen!  She should wear an orange triangle on her wide load ass!  OMG......................well, bless her little heart, she tries."  The delivery of "bless his/her lil heart" is key.  Maybe even throw in a slight side to side head movement to make it look thoughtful.  Seriously people, keeps your ears peaked....if you live in the South, you *will* hear this.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St Patty's Day

Here's Miss Priss in the Lil Mule (the Jeep) wearing her extra fabulous Ireland hat.  Thought it was just too cute  ;)  

Today was a veeeerrry low key SPD here at our house.  I usually have people over for trash talking on the deck after we burn something on the grill.  But the gale force winds really put a damper on that one this year.  My palm trees have been working overtime today.  So, instead we went shopping :)  Gotta love little girls!

Well, I hope everyone had a fun and safe St Patty's Day......good night all!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sunday Saying

"Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted."

     - Randy Pausch

If you have some time, please check out this video on YouTube entitled "the Last Lecture"....very worth it.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Life's A Biatch...

Oh happy day!  Today I scored 2 Jimmy Buffett tickets for the upcoming concert near Houston!  I am tweaked!  This will be the very first "real" concert for Miss Priss.  So, the lil parakeet thinks that she needs some new threads for the concert.  I made the mistake of telling her about all the merchandise that will be for sale at the event.  Yeah, bad idea.  So, I might as well start selling plasma now to afford all of the t-shirts and hats.  Oh well, feck it....it only comes once a year!  I'm going to call this a late birthday present.
So, in sticking with the JB theme, we headed to the beach today.  Did I mention that I am dragging a$$?  We flew most of last night at work, so I have the big 2 hours of sleep under my belt.  Silly me, I thought that we might actually be able to catch a nap on the hammock while we were beaching today.  Not so much.  Spring Break is going on in sunny South Texas right now....good times.  It was not the normal quiet day listening to the waves and gulls.  
I have to throw in this lil tidbit from this afternoon.  There was some white trash on parade there.  AND they just so happened to snuggle in right next to where we were chilling.  So, they start unloading the sedan....kids, dogs, case of Pap Shmear Ribbon beer, carton o'cigarettes, you get the flavor I puttin' down.  Did I mention that they didn't even bring a cooler because I think their game plan was to consume the entire case of beer before it even lost its frosty goodness.  Oh and there were TWO people working on the case o'beer.  Welcome to drunk driving 101....it is always best to bring your kids along on these lil misadventures.  Seriously, make it stop people.  There is no wonder why I will *always* have a job.  With any luck, maybe they had a tent and were planning to stay, I sure hope so.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Back at work......

Ok, so camping was tits!  We had a great time, in spite of the fact that I had to bring a flight suit with me.  :(  Yeah, I know, WTF is that all about?!  It's difficult to feel "spring break-ish" when you have to bring work with.  So, there was a meeting smack dab in the middle of my trip that was mandatory to attend.  Good times.  Fortunately it didn't last too long and it was back to hammock swinging and doing nothing.  I ate more junk food in the last three days than I have in the last month.  Oh and Red Stripe  ;).  

Here is an account of the kid casualities:  K = no injuries (she got extra Goldfish for that one), J = split lip....pretty impressive actually poor little guy....yeah so he tripped on the monkey bars somehow and attempted to eat the metal bar, and Miss Priss = one cut heel....all taken care of by two bandaids so not too bad.  Adults were unscathed.

So, I'm back at work today for 24 hours of bliss.....let's hope the EMS gods are shining favorably today.  I have quite a bit of paperwork to do and I'm not feeling particularily ambitious (hence blogging instead).  I have to get this crap done because I'm trying to get my a$$ to the beach for the weekend!!

Oh.....and I have a minirant this morning.  I am extremely stupid in regards to the whole "vehicle inspection sticker" crap here in the lovely state of TX.  To begin with, we DON'T have them in Michigan, so I don't remember them!  I know, not a good excuse, but still.  Also, vehicle registration (yes mine is up to date, inspection.....not so much).....in Michigan, the license plate follows you and not your vehicle.  Is expires on your birthday, which is always easy to remember.  Yes, this is leading up to something.  So, I got pulled over for speeding after an uneventful blind date and the 12 year old State Trooper notices that my inspection is grossly out of date.  I get a citation for the sticker and he waives the speeding which was only 4 mph over in my defense.  So, guess what the fine is for this shit?!  $156!!  So, I'm an idiot.  So, I have to get my car inspected....I think I'm going to wear a hot pink Britney Spears wig, some glasses, a fake nose, whatever it takes to avoid my actual identity being revealed!  The last time, it turned into some event where I was chastised by this hooker behind the counter.  

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Good Cop Bad Cop

This has been brewing for awhile, but I'm smack dab in the middle of it now, so welcome to my rant.  

From my previous posts, you can tell that I'm obviously "without child" this weekend.  With my relationship with my Ex Douche, I must explain a few things.  He signed away visitation and all conservatorship of Miss Priss in 2005.  We have been living separately since 2004 btw.  That being said, he doesn't call her, she doesn't ask about him and we just go down the road.  I don't think that he is a vile human being but I certainly don't understand how you can be a parent and not want to see your kid!?

If he does call, it is usually once every 2 months and then he "tells" me that he is going to take Miss Priss to do "XYorZ" for the weekend, for the day, you get the picture.  I never block these visits as Miss Priss seems to enjoy them.  However, I might be on a pity trip here.....BUT I get sick of being the one who takes care of her 24-7, helps with homework/science projects, takes her to soccer, takes her to the ER, does all the dirty work.....THEN he swoops down and says "I'm taking you to the most GD wonderful zoo I can find this weekend!  How would you like that Miss Priss??!!"

So, as I sit here getting tanked up on my morning coffee and I am left to revel in those fine thoughts.  I have enjoyed some of the quiet time this weekend, but I am noticing that the quiet is as times deafening.  Thank God the dog snores.  ;)

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Working too hard for a day off!

To begin with, I had to get up at 0700 to make sure that Miss Priss was ready for her "pick up" with her Dad (Ex Douche).  It was my first day to sleep in in about one month!!  But no such luck.  Of course, he got off of work late and was subsequently late to our house, no big deal, BUT I could have slept for another HOUR!!!  

So, I figured I was up and slightly irritated, so I might as well be productive.  Oh, and I had some fabulous coffee this morning.  If you have never had coffee from a french press, you really must try it.....it's the bomb.  Well that began the 8 hour day of working with my plant/flower beds and redoing several potted plants on my patio.  OMG.....I really enjoy yard work, but I couldn't believe how much time had passed when I glanced down at my watch! 

Oh, and the dog was super helpful......see above  ;)

I think it's time for a Red Stripe!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Ah, the weekend

It is GORGEOUS here today!  Just wish I could have hooked myself up with a campsite for the weekend :(  I was a bit too late, seeing as though it is the beginning of Spring Break down here.  We are going next week on the days that I am off, but I sure would have loved to escape for the weekend too.  Now I'm probably just being greedy.  However, for once in I don't know how long, my kid's Dad is actually keeping her for the weekend :0 !  So......I really don't know what to do with myself.  I feel like the world is my oyster.  Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore my daughter, but some solitude sounds wonderful.  Just wish I had some fabulous plans!  Oh well, I'm sure something will materialize.  The power of positive thought......or Cornona ;)

So, I found this awesome coconut palm today at the nursery.  It's official, I must be getting old.  I remember getting dragged to the nursery on Sunday afternoons and really despising it.  Apparently that has come full circle because I am capable of blowing lots o'money on plants!  I can't help it, I just love that whole green tropical appeal.  My thoughts are this.....if I can't be in Costa Rica, I would at least like to have a believable backdrop to pretend.  So, maybe I'll just spend the weekend with the dog, some Jimmy Buffett, some Corona, and some dirt!

This is off topic, but I have to share.  Recently I heard this uttered by someone to his loved one who was not doing well....."you can't die......you haven't taught me how to play golf yet".  I thought how obscure, but then I thought about why some people are important to other people.  Are you just in someone's life to help them through a situation or are you someone who will be in their life until the end?  I can think of some who will always be around no matter what and I have come to realize that there are others who are just passing through.

Throwing a rock from the house

Ok, so I "loves me some" palm trees!  I live with my family in the Third Coast area of the US and love it.....except for pesky hurricane season!  ;)  

I really don't have a specific "goal" in mind for this blog.  I just thought it would be a good avenue for divulging some thoughts....somedays happy, somedays venting, etc.....

So, if you happen to find my blog, thanks for the visit!  ;)