About Me

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I am a 45 year old living in South Texas with my husband, two daughters and bonus son.....enjoying life and trying to find my way through :) I was born and raised in the UP of Michigan, graduated from MSU, and have been living in Texas for the past 22 years.....so I guess I'm officially a transplant. Or so I've been told.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Ah, the weekend

It is GORGEOUS here today!  Just wish I could have hooked myself up with a campsite for the weekend :(  I was a bit too late, seeing as though it is the beginning of Spring Break down here.  We are going next week on the days that I am off, but I sure would have loved to escape for the weekend too.  Now I'm probably just being greedy.  However, for once in I don't know how long, my kid's Dad is actually keeping her for the weekend :0 !  So......I really don't know what to do with myself.  I feel like the world is my oyster.  Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore my daughter, but some solitude sounds wonderful.  Just wish I had some fabulous plans!  Oh well, I'm sure something will materialize.  The power of positive thought......or Cornona ;)

So, I found this awesome coconut palm today at the nursery.  It's official, I must be getting old.  I remember getting dragged to the nursery on Sunday afternoons and really despising it.  Apparently that has come full circle because I am capable of blowing lots o'money on plants!  I can't help it, I just love that whole green tropical appeal.  My thoughts are this.....if I can't be in Costa Rica, I would at least like to have a believable backdrop to pretend.  So, maybe I'll just spend the weekend with the dog, some Jimmy Buffett, some Corona, and some dirt!

This is off topic, but I have to share.  Recently I heard this uttered by someone to his loved one who was not doing well....."you can't die......you haven't taught me how to play golf yet".  I thought how obscure, but then I thought about why some people are important to other people.  Are you just in someone's life to help them through a situation or are you someone who will be in their life until the end?  I can think of some who will always be around no matter what and I have come to realize that there are others who are just passing through.

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