About Me

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I am a 45 year old living in South Texas with my husband, two daughters and bonus son.....enjoying life and trying to find my way through :) I was born and raised in the UP of Michigan, graduated from MSU, and have been living in Texas for the past 22 years.....so I guess I'm officially a transplant. Or so I've been told.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St Patty's Day

Here's Miss Priss in the Lil Mule (the Jeep) wearing her extra fabulous Ireland hat.  Thought it was just too cute  ;)  

Today was a veeeerrry low key SPD here at our house.  I usually have people over for trash talking on the deck after we burn something on the grill.  But the gale force winds really put a damper on that one this year.  My palm trees have been working overtime today.  So, instead we went shopping :)  Gotta love little girls!

Well, I hope everyone had a fun and safe St Patty's Day......good night all!

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